This document is about: FUSION 2





  • 構造体型であること
  • INetworkStructを実装していること
  • Blittableであること




  • 参照型
  • stringまたはchar(かわりにNetworkStringを使用してください)
  • bool(かわりにNetworkBoolまたはintを使用してください)

備考: ほとんどのユースケースで、boolはコンパイルも動作も可能ですが、異なるプラットフォーム間の動作は保証されていません。そのため、NetworkBoolの使用を推奨します。




Blittable Primitives
byte sbyte short (Int16) int (Int32) long (Int64)
ushort (UInt16) uint (UInt32) ulong (UInt64) float (Single) double
Blittable Unity Struct Types
Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 Quaternion Matrix4x4
Vector2Int Vector3Int BoundingSphere Bounds Rect
BoundsInt RectInt Color Color32  
System and User Defined Blittable Types
Enums System Types such as System.Guid Structs Other INetworkStructs  
Fusion Defined INetworkStructs
NetworkString<IFixedStorage> NetworkBool Ptr Angle TickTimer
PlayerRef PlayerRefSet SceneRef NetworkId NetworkObjectGuid
NetworkObjectHeader NetworkPrefabRef NetworkPrefabId NetworkRNG NetworkButtons
BitSet64 BitSet128 BitSet192 BitSet256  
IFixedStorage (_2, _4, _8, _16, _32, _64, _128, _256, _512)
Network collections
NetworkArray<T> with a maximum Length set using the [Capacity] attribute (defaults to 1) NetworkDictionary<K, V> with a maximum Count set using the [Capacity] NetworkLinkedList<T> with a maximum Count set using the Capacity attribute NetworkString<_size> with a maximum Size set using the any of the predefined IFixedStorage types, which are named _X, where X is the size of storage struct _32 for example
Fixed-Size Buffers
unsafe: such as fixed int MyArray[32]





using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    public int IntField;

  // For convenience, declared Networked INetworkStructs can use the ref keyword,
  // which allows direct modification of members without needing to work with copies.
  public ref NetworkStructExample NetworkedStructRef => ref MakeRef<NetworkStructExample>();

  // You can also declare Networked structs normally,
  // but be aware the getter will return a copy and not a reference.
  public NetworkStructExample NetworkedStruct { get; set; }

  public override void Spawned()
    NetworkedStruct.IntField = 5;
    Debug.Log(NetworkedStruct.IntField); // prints default value (0) and not 5.

    NetworkedStructRef.IntField = 5;
    Debug.Log(NetworkedStructRef.IntField); // prints 5




using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    // Non-float primitive structs and Enum types, can be used normally as a field.
    // Except bools, which are non-blittable and cannot be used as fields.
    public SnapAxis   EnumField;
    public int        IntField;
    public Color32    Color32Field;
    public Vector2Int VectorIntField;


浮動小数点数型(プリミティブ・float型をラップする一般的なUnityの型)は、フィールドで使用できます。ただし、フィールドで使用した場合、Fusion ILWeaverによる圧縮処理やコード生成は行われません。

浮動小数点数型を自動的に圧縮するには、デフォルト実装のプロパティに[Networked]属性を追加してください。これで、Fusion ILWeaverによる圧縮処理済みの実装にプロパティが置換されます。


using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;
public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
  // Recognized float-based Networked Properties will implement Fusion's compression.
  // Such as Float, Double, Vector2, Vector3, Color, Matrix etc.
  // Note: an auto-implemented property is allowed here.
  public Vector3 CompressedVector { get; set; }

  public float   CompressedFloat { get; set; }

  // Float types declared as fields will be uncompressed and will replicate bit for bit.
  // Typically you want compression, so this handling should not be used in most cases.
  public Vector3 UncompressedVector;
  public float   UncompressedFloat;




using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    // The preferred way to network a boolean is to use the NetworkBool type.
    public NetworkBool NetworkBool;

    // [Networked] is required for the primitive bool in order to instruct
    // the ILWeaver to create the required backing int and implementation.
    // Note that we do NOT declare this as an auto-implemented property,
    // but instead with an empty getter/setter.
    public bool PrimitiveBool { get => default; set { } }







using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    // The easiest and cleanest way to use a string in an INetworkStruct
    // is to use the Fusion NetworkString<> type as a field.
    // _16 here indicates that we are allocating a capacity of 16 characters.
    public NetworkString<_16> Name;

    // Optionally a regular string can be used as a Property (not a field)
    [Networked]       // Notifies the ILWeaver to extend this property
    [Capacity(16)]    // allocates memory for 16 characters
    [UnityMultiline]  // Optional attribute to force multi-line in inspector.
    public string StringProperty { get => default; set { } }

  // For convenience, declared Networked INetworkStructs can use the ref keyword,
  // which allows direct modification of members without needing to deal with copies.
  public ref NetworkStructExample NetworkedStructRef => ref MakeRef<NetworkStructExample>();

  public override void Spawned()
    NetworkedStructRef.Name = "John Conner";


ネットワークコレクションの詳細は、Network Collectionsをご覧ください。


using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct  NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    // Network Collections must be NOT be declared as auto-implemented properties,
    // and with only a default getter (the IL Weaver will replace the getter).
    [Networked, Capacity(16)]
    public NetworkDictionary<int, NetworkString<_4>> DictOfStrings => default;

  // For convenience, declared Networked INetworkStructs can use the ref keyword,
  // which allows direct modification of members without needing to work with copies.
  public ref NetworkStructExample NetworkedStructRef => ref MakeRef<NetworkStructExample>();

  public override void Spawned()
    NetworkedStructRef.DictOfStrings.Set(1, "One");
    NetworkedStructRef.DictOfStrings.Set(4, "Four");

    Debug.Log($"Values Set: " +
              $"1:{NetworkedStructRef.DictOfStrings.Get(1)} " +




using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    // Fusion Object and Ref ID types are backed by integers,
    // so they are blittable and can be used as basic fields.
    public NetworkId          NetworkIdField;
    public NetworkBehaviourId NetworkBehaviourIdField;
    public PlayerRef          PlayerRefField;

  public ref NetworkStructExample NetworkedStructRef => ref MakeRef<NetworkStructExample>();

  public override void Spawned()
    // Capture this NetworkBehaviour's Id.
    NetworkedStructRef.NetworkBehaviourIdField = this;

  public override unsafe void FixedUpdateNetwork()
    // Look up the NetworkObject on the Runner using the networked ID.
    Runner.TryFindBehaviour(NetworkedStructRef.NetworkBehaviourIdField, out var nb);
    Debug.LogWarning($"NBID: {(nb == null ? "Null NB" : nb.Id.ToString())}");




using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour
  public struct InnerStruct : INetworkStruct
    public int IntField;

  public struct OuterStruct: INetworkStruct
    public InnerStruct Inner;

  public ref OuterStruct Outer => ref MakeRef<OuterStruct>();




using Fusion;
using UnityEngine;

public class NetworkStructSampleCode : NetworkBehaviour

  public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
    public NetworkBool NetworkBool;

  [Networked(OnChanged = nameof(OnNetworkStructChanged))]
  public ref NetworkStructExample NetworkedStructRef => ref MakeRef<NetworkStructExample>();

  // Note that OnChanged monitors any changes to the ENTIRE INetworkStruct,
  // so this callback will be triggered by ANY changes to the struct.
  public static void OnNetworkStructChanged(Changed<NetworkStructSampleCode> changed)
    Debug.LogWarning($"Bool changed {changed.Behaviour.NetworkedStructRef.NetworkBool}");

  public override unsafe void FixedUpdateNetwork()
    // Toggle the nested bool value every tick, to trigger the OnChanged callback.
    NetworkedStructRef.PrimitiveBool = !NetworkedStructRef.NetworkBool;




public struct NetworkStructExample : INetworkStruct
  // Fixed is allowed, and can be used for advanced custom unsafe handling.
  public unsafe fixed byte FixedArray[32];
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