
Download Package
Download the Fusion Animal Coop's Unity project
Getting Started
Step-by-step guide to explore Animal Coop's gameplay and online modes
Fusion Animal Coop is a sample of an Animal Crossing-inspired game with emphasis on cooperative play that uses Fusion Shared Mode. Players are able to customize their character upon joining a session, and can then interact in a shared world with up to 6 people. Players can chop trees, plant flowers, catch butterflies, and exchange items with each other, or sell them to NPCs. The sample demonstrates inventory management, interaction & equipment system, nav-mesh locomotion, usage of TickTimers in conjunction with NetworkRNG to facilitate entity growth.

Technical Highlights and Features
- Shared State Authority of Objects
- Drop-in, drop-out gameplay
- Character customization feature
- Extendable generic interaction system
- Simple quest system implementation
3rd Party Assets
SerializeReferenceExtensions by mackysoft - MIT License
This sample game was developed by Nthusia.
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