This document is about: QUANTUM 3

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Quantum Animator provides support for Instant events and Time-Window events.

Creating a New Instant Event

Events assets can be created using Create->Quantum->Assets...

EventAsset creation

Instant Events will trigger only one time the Execute() function once the Animator plays the clip that contains such event baked. A good pattern is to inherit from the base AnimatorInstantEventAsset and override the base class methods with different procedures, like custom Frame.Siganls.


public abstract class AnimatorInstantEventAsset : AnimatorEventAsset, IAnimatorEventAsset
    /// <inheritdoc cref="AnimatorEventAsset.OnBake"/>
    public new AnimatorEvent OnBake(AnimationClip unityAnimationClip, AnimationEvent unityAnimationEvent)
      var quantumAnimatorEvent = new AnimatorInstantEvent();
      quantumAnimatorEvent.AssetRef = Guid;
      quantumAnimatorEvent.Time = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(unityAnimationEvent.time);
      return quantumAnimatorEvent;

Event Setup

Follow these steps to define the event on an animation clip:

  1. Add the AnimationEventData component to the same GameObject the contains Animator component, in your QuantumEntityPrototype:
EventAsset creation
  1. On the Animation window select the clip and add a new Unity AnimationEvent:
EventAsset creation
  1. Select the created event and specify the Function and Object as the image below:
EventAsset creation

Creating a New Time-Window Event

The procedure is very similar to the instant event creation, the difference here is that you will need to create a second event of the same type in the Unity Clip to define the final of the event execution.

EventAsset creation

In case you want to create new events that have a similar behavior with OnEnter(), Execute() and OnExit() methods, by inherit the AnimatorTimeWindowEventAsset class:


  /// <summary>
  /// This is a sample of how to use SampleTimeWindowEvent events. Use it as a base to create a new class inheriting from AnimatorInstantEventAsset and
  /// implement a custom logic on Execute method 
  /// </summary>
  public class ExampleTimeWindowEventAsset : AnimatorTimeWindowEventAsset
    public override unsafe void OnEnter(Frame f, AnimatorComponent* animatorComponent, LayerData* layerData)
      Debug.Log($"[Quantum Animator ({f.Number})] OnEnter animator time window event.");
    public override unsafe void Execute(Frame f, AnimatorComponent* animatorComponent, LayerData* layerData)
      Debug.Log($"[Quantum Animator ({f.Number})] Execute animator time window event.");

    public override unsafe void OnExit(Frame f, AnimatorComponent* animatorComponent, LayerData* layerData)
      Debug.Log($"[Quantum Animator ({f.Number})] OnExit animator time window event.");
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